Precision Tsugami B0325-II

Precision Tsugami B0325 – SALE!

Perfectly corresponds to the contemporary market requirement. Multifunctional swissturn with reliable and accomplished opposed gang tool. Machine complex parts using the main and back spindle simultaneously with the Y-axis tool post (B0266-Ⅱ/B0326-Ⅱ). Modular tooling using cartridge type live tools (option) for optimum allocation of machining capability. Beside the back spindle, additional tool post is attached. Deep hole drilling (up to 100 mm) can be realized. In addition, by adopting optional rotary tool beside the back spindle, the ability of front off-center machining is increased. Optional direct-drive rotary guide bushing provides high speed and accurate machining. Guide-bush type or guide-bushless type is selectable according to workpieces. Pursuing operatability thanks to enriched standard softwares. Automatic programming system prepared as standard.


Precision Tsugami B0325-II
Brand new, year of manufacture 2018.


Technical Specifications